Using Chat GPT For Book And Article Summaries:

I want to read more business books and articles than I actually get to. So, I thought it would be interesting experiment to ask ‘Bud’ to help summarize some of the books on my list. Then, as I was doing this, I thought why not take the summary a step further and create some context.

In this article, I’ll show you three of the prompts I used and the results.

The last prompt is a formula you can use with Chat GPT to have it ask you for the specific book or article you’re looking to summarize, as well as ask for the context of business, industry, or issue you’d like to apply.


  • I’m using Chat GPT 4.0 with the Webpilot plugin. Although it did not use the plugin to get the information for the book summary, it did when I used the same prompt to apply the analysis to an online article.
  • Prompt 1 is the simple request to summarize a book
  • Prompt 2 asks to apply the summary in context to a business owner in a particular industry
  • Prompt 3 includes the summary, the industry, and the context of specific business issues and recommended action steps to help address the issues.


Can you please give me a summary of Brian Tracy’s book “Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible”


Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible” by Brian Tracy is a self-help book that focuses on the importance of setting and achieving goals. The book is structured around the idea that goal-setting is the fundamental key to success in any area of life, whether it’s personal or professional.

Here’s a breakdown:

Key Points:

  1. The Importance of Goals: Tracy emphasizes that setting clear and specific goals is the first step toward achieving success.
  2. SMART Goals: The book introduces the concept of SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and explains how to use them effectively.
  3. Action Plans: Once goals are set, Tracy advises creating a detailed action plan, breaking down each goal into smaller, manageable tasks.
  4. Prioritization: Tracy talks about the importance of prioritizing tasks and focusing on high-value activities that move you closer to your goals.
  5. Visualization and Affirmation: The book discusses the psychological aspects of goal-setting, including the use of visualization and affirmations to boost self-confidence and maintain focus.
  6. Obstacle Management: Tracy provides strategies for overcoming obstacles and setbacks, emphasizing resilience and a positive mindset.
  7. Review and Adapt: Regularly reviewing your goals and adapting your strategies is crucial for long-term success, according to Tracy.

Action Steps:

  • Write down your goals clearly and specifically.
  • Create a detailed action plan for each goal.
  • Prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency.
  • Use visualization techniques to keep yourself motivated.
  • Review and adjust your goals and plans regularly.

Why It Matters:

Understanding the mechanics of goal-setting can significantly improve your chances of success in any endeavor. The book provides a comprehensive guide to not just setting goals, but also the steps required to achieve them.

Would you like to know more about a specific section of the book?


Can you please give me a detailed summary of Brian Tracy’s book “Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible”. In the summary, I’d like specific, actionable takeaways tailored for a business owner in the Banking Industry. The summary should be prepared for someone who has not read the book but is looking to get immediate benefit and understanding. Please include examples and additional context to clarify any terms or concepts.


Introduction: The Power of Goal Setting

Brian Tracy’s book “Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible” emphasizes the importance of setting and achieving goals for personal and professional success. For a business owner in the banking industry, this means not just focusing on financial metrics but also on customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and innovation.

Key Takeaways

1. Write Down Your Goals


Writing down your goals makes them tangible and serves as a constant reminder of what you need to achieve.

Action Steps:

  • List down short-term and long-term goals for your banking business.
  • Place this list where you can see it daily.

2. Prioritize Your Goals


Not all goals are created equal. Some will have a more immediate impact on your banking business than others.

Action Steps:

  • Use the ABCDE method to prioritize your goals.A: Must doB: Should doC: Nice to doD: DelegateE: Eliminate

3. Turn Goals into Actions


Goals are dreams with deadlines. Break them down into actionable steps.

Action Steps:

  • For each goal, list down the tasks that need to be completed.
  • Assign deadlines and responsible parties for each task.

4. Obstacle Analysis


Every goal has obstacles. Identifying them early can help you prepare solutions.

Action Steps:

  • List potential challenges like regulatory changes or market competition.
  • Develop contingency plans.

5. Measure Progress


What gets measured gets managed. Regularly track your progress to stay on course.

Action Steps:

  • Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) relevant to the banking industry like Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) or Net Promoter Score (NPS).
  • Review these KPIs weekly or monthly.

6. Be Flexible but Persistent


The banking industry is ever-changing. While it’s important to stick to your goals, flexibility can be a valuable asset.

Action Steps:

  • Be open to modifying goals as circumstances change.
  • Maintain a strong commitment to achieving your core objectives.

Conclusion: Your Roadmap to Success

Setting and achieving goals is a dynamic process that requires planning, execution, and adaptation. By applying these actionable steps tailored for the banking industry, you’re well on your way to achieving greater success in your banking business.


Can you please give me a detailed summary of [Book Title / Article Link] that is at least 8 sentences but no more than 16. In the summary, I’d like specific, actionable takeaways tailored for a business owner facing in the [Your Industry] industry who has [insert specific business issues]?The summary should be prepared for someone who has not read the book but is looking to get immediate benefit and understanding. Please include examples and additional context to clarify any terms or concepts. Following the detailed summary, I’d like a section from you that outlines three phases of actionable steps: [Short-Term] (achievable in less than 7 days); [Mid Term ](achievable in less than 30 days); and [big-picture] (achievable within 90 days) Please ask me one question at a time to get the information you need to proceed and complete the exercise.


Got it, lack of growth in new accounts for younger customers is a pressing issue. Let me summarize Brian Tracy’s “Goals!” with specific, actionable takeaways tailored for a banking business owner like you who’s facing this challenge.

Detailed Summary:

“Goals!” by Brian Tracy emphasizes the power of setting clear, actionable goals to achieve success. The book outlines a seven-step process for goal setting, starting with clarity and ending with taking action. For a banking business owner facing stagnant growth in new accounts from younger customers, the key takeaway is to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, aim to increase new accounts from customers under 30 by 20% in the next quarter.

Tracy also discusses the importance of writing down your goals, as it increases the likelihood of achieving them. In your case, document your growth targets and share them with your team. The book stresses the need for regular review and adjustment of goals, so make it a point to assess your progress weekly.

Another crucial point is the “Law of Attraction,” which suggests that positive thinking attracts positive outcomes. Maintain a positive outlook, even when facing challenges in attracting younger customers. Tracy also advises breaking down big goals into smaller tasks. For you, this could mean identifying specific marketing strategies targeting younger demographics, like social media campaigns or partnerships with local colleges.

Lastly, the book emphasizes taking immediate action. Don’t wait for the perfect moment; start implementing your strategies now.

Actionable Steps:

Short-Term (Less than 7 days):

  1. Set a SMART goal for new account growth targeting customers under 30.
  2. Write down this goal and share it with your team.
  3. Identify at least one marketing channel to focus on for reaching younger customers.

Mid-Term (Less than 30 days):

  1. Launch a pilot marketing campaign targeting younger demographics.
  2. Review and adjust your goals based on initial feedback and results.
  3. Establish partnerships with local educational institutions to attract younger customers.

Big-Picture (Within 90 days):

  1. Assess the ROI of your pilot campaign and make necessary adjustments for scaling.
  2. Implement a rewards program specifically designed to attract younger customers.
  3. Conduct a comprehensive review of your goals and strategies, making adjustments as needed for continuous growth.

I hope this summary and action plan provide you with valuable insights and steps to tackle your business challenges. Would you like to know more about any specific part?