My Recommendations For Starting Out With ChatGPT

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So the absolute easiest thing to do and perhaps most beneficial way to engage right off the bat is to simply tell ChatGPT what you do and ask it for help.

Meaning, provide ChatGPT your job title and literally tell it what your job functions entail and perhaps, if you know this information, what your goals are inside your position.

Then, literally ask it this: how can you help me?

Is it that simple? Yes.

There is simply no faster, easier or more straightforward way for you to see how ChatGPT recognizes the context of what you’re saying, and gives you value than this exercise.

Understanding ChatGPT’s Uses: Creating vs. Learning

When discussing ChatGPT, we’re looking at two main roads: creating and learning.

Creating is all about making something from scratch. And it can be intimidating.

You’ve got a blank slate and aim to produce a deliverable – maybe it’s an article, some code, or even a social media post. That blinking cursor can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not familiar with how to get the best out of Chat GPT for the goal at hand.

That’s why I recommend starting by using Chat GPT to learn.

This is where ChatGPT really acts like a well-informed buddy, ready to answer your questions, kind of like a search engine but more intuitive and conversational. It’s a comfortable, straightforward way of engaging with the bot.

Here, you’re not creating; you’re understanding, asking questions to learn something new.

Learning with ChatGPT is about familiarizing yourself with how it responds, its feedback style, and how it interprets your language. It’s about understanding the nuances of how detailed versus vague queries can be.

This approach eases you into the world of ChatGPT, helping you get a handle on how it functions before you start creating with it.

Real-World Examples of ChatGPT in Action

We put ChatGPT to the test with real scenarios in our workshop. For instance, someone needed an RFP for a website project. They started with just “RFP for a website,” akin to a Google search. But when they added detail, treating ChatGPT more like a conversation, the response was much more customized and useful.

Another participant wanted to learn knitting. Their journey with ChatGPT went from a general “I want to learn knitting” to more specific queries about materials and techniques. This progression from broad to detailed questions showcased ChatGPT’s ability to provide tailored advice, adapting its responses to the depth of the query.

These examples highlight ChatGPT’s flexibility, adeptly switching from professional tasks like drafting documents to personal hobbies like knitting, all based on how the questions were framed.

And the convenience of using ChatGPT in this way is not having to open new browser windows, click on websites, or leave what you’re doing. You can simply adjust on the fly get meaningful, insightful details in real time.

An employee of Sutherland Weston shared with me last week that ChatGPT has an incredible ability to understand the context of the question, far better than a search engine like Google.

I like that point. It’s good insight.

Enhancing ChatGPT Interaction: Specificity and Context

The key to maximizing ChatGPT’s usefulness lies in the specificity and context of your questions. It’s like the difference between using simple, keyword-driven queries and having a full, rich conversation. For example, moving from a basic ‘RFP for website’ to a more descriptive request in our workshop brought out a far more comprehensive and relevant response from ChatGPT.

Similarly, the participant who wanted to learn knitting found that ChatGPT’s guidance became more practical and detailed as their questions became more specific. This shift from vague to precise queries demonstrates how context-rich interactions lead to more meaningful and helpful outcomes with ChatGPT.

The Cone Approach to Using ChatGPT

Imagine using ChatGPT is like navigating a cone. You start at the wide top with broad questions, and as you continue, you narrow down to more specific inquiries. This approach is about refining your interaction with ChatGPT, gradually honing in on the information you need. It’s like starting with a general idea and then getting more detailed as you go along, which helps ChatGPT to provide increasingly focused and relevant responses. This method ensures a deeper and more precise understanding with each step you take down the cone.

Redefining Interaction: From Prompts to Questions

Shifting how we interact with ChatGPT from ‘prompts’ to ‘questions’ transforms the experience. It’s like changing gears from issuing commands to having a conversation. This isn’t just a semantic change; it’s about reframing our approach to engage with the AI more naturally. Imagine it like this: instead of tossing in a few keywords or technical prompts, you’re asking questions as you would in a real conversation.

This shift encourages more detailed, context-rich responses from ChatGPT. It’s like moving from talking at it to talking with it, making the exchange more of a two-way dialogue. This approach brings out a more nuanced understanding, where ChatGPT isn’t just a tool responding to commands but more of a partner in the conversation. It becomes less about inputting the perfect query and more about engaging in a natural, fluid form of communication, enhancing the quality and relevance of the interaction.

Remember, it’s not about trying to answer the perfect question. It’s about using your natural curiosity to guide the conversation, leading to discoveries and insights that are more aligned with your real intent and needs.

Conclusion and Encouragement to Stay Curious

As we wrap up, remember that ChatGPT, like any evolving technology, is a journey of discovery. It’s your curiosity and willingness to explore that truly unlock its potential.

Whether you’re using ChatGPT for work, learning new things, or just satisfying your curiosity, the adventure lies in the interaction.

Keep experimenting with how you frame your questions and watch as ChatGPT reveals new layers of information and ideas. Stay curious, embrace the learning curve, and let your questions guide you through this exciting AI landscape.

The more you explore, the more you’ll uncover the vast capabilities of ChatGPT.