Making Videos – How ChatGPT Can Make Your Process Easier, Faster, and Better.

This week’s article summarizes my latest podcast episode, where I share three ways I’ve found ChatGPT helpful for video production.

The tips I share can help you whether you’re making simple videos for social media or have more complex production planning needs.

And at the end of this post, I share a prompt you can use to create articles and posts from a video transcript, as I did here with this week’s edition.


From outlining your initial ideas to crafting detailed scripts and making the most of your video transcripts, let’s explore how ChatGPT can be your ultimate video production partner.

1. Using Chat GPT To Create Video Outlines

Staring down the lens of a camera can feel like a daunting task, especially when your ideas are scattered and the pressure is on to deliver them coherently. This is a challenge many of us face in video production. The key to easing this anxiety lies in having a clear plan of what you’re going to say. That’s where ChatGPT becomes an invaluable ally. It helps you organize your thoughts and form them into a structured outline, making your on-camera presence more confident and your message clearer.

Practical Action Steps

  1. Initiate a Dialogue with ChatGPT About Your Topic: Begin the process by telling ChatGPT about the subject of your video. The more specific your description, the more tailored your outline will be.
  2. Engage with ChatGPT for In-Depth Questions: Encourage ChatGPT to ask you questions to delve deeper into the topic. This interaction will help in creating a more comprehensive outline. For instance, you could start with: “I’m planning a video about making banana bread. What key steps should I include?”
  3. Request a Structured Outline from ChatGPT: After discussing your topic in detail, ask ChatGPT for a bullet-point outline. An example prompt could be: “Based on our discussion, can you provide me with a bullet-point outline for my banana bread video?”

2. Using Chat GPT To Create More Advanced Scripts

Moving beyond basic outlines to more complex scriptwriting can be a significant step up in video production. Whether you’re looking to include specific dialogues and camera directions or integrate B-roll and graphics, crafting a detailed script requires a deeper level of planning and creativity. This is where ChatGPT can play a crucial role. It helps you flesh out your video’s storyline, dialogue, and visual cues, turning a conceptual idea into a detailed, shoot-ready script. This enhances the quality of your video and streamlines the filming process, making it more efficient and focused.

Practical Action Steps

  1. Detail Your Video’s Requirements to ChatGPT: Begin by sharing with ChatGPT the specifics of what you want in your script, including character dialogues, scene details, camera actions, and any additional elements like B-roll or graphics. The more detailed your input, the more tailored the script output will be.
  2. Request a Table-Formatted Script: For a script that’s easy to follow and professionally structured, ask ChatGPT to present it in a table format. Use a prompt like: “Can you create a script in a table format with three columns – one for visuals, one for voiceover, and one for graphics directions?” This approach will give you a clear, organized script that aligns all the necessary elements scene by scene.
  3. Refine and Finalize Your Script with ChatGPT’s Help: Once you have a draft from ChatGPT, don’t stop there. Use it as a foundation and work with ChatGPT to refine your scenes, dialogues, and visual descriptions. Ask for input on improving clarity, emotional resonance, and the overall flow of the narrative. This iterative process is key to polishing your script to a professional level.

3. Using Chat GPT With Your Video Transcript

After you’ve shot your video, the next challenge is to maximize its value. This is where your video transcript becomes a hidden gem. Imagine being able to repurpose a single video into a myriad of content forms. ChatGPT can transform your video transcript into engaging blog posts, concise social media snippets, comprehensive summaries, and much more. It’s like having a creative assistant who helps you extend the reach and lifespan of your original video content, ensuring no valuable insight goes unnoticed or unused.

Practical Action Steps

  1. Extract and Provide the Transcript: First, get the transcript from your video. You can use tools like YouTube’s transcript feature or Descript. Once you have the transcript, provide it to ChatGPT.
  2. Specify Your Content Needs with an Example Prompt: Tell ChatGPT what you want to create from the transcript. For instance, if you want a blog post, you could say, “Here’s a transcript of my video about banana bread. Can you turn it into an engaging blog post?” Clearly state the format and style you’re aiming for.
  3. Refine and Customize the Output: Use ChatGPT’s initial output as a foundation. Adapt it to match your brand’s voice and your audience’s preferences. Collaborate with ChatGPT to fine-tune the content, ensuring it effectively reflects your video’s key messages and resonates with your viewers.

SHARING A PROMPT- How To Create An Article From A Transcript

So here is an example of how I am using the points outlined in #3 above in a real-world scenario.

When I record a podcast episode, I’m essentially thinking out loud. I tend to talk in more detail and context than when I write. It’s just more natural for me.

Once I’ve created a podcast episode, I have all the content I need to craft an article. And I really don’t want to have to write anything new.

So I ask BUD to help me use what I’ve already recorded to get more use from it.

I ask BUD to create the following with each transcript:

  • An episode summary
  • Key takeaways and insights
  • A timestamped episode index

I also used BUD to format the three use cases above as content for this article, using only the content found in the transcript.

Here is the prompt I use to create those sections for this article using the transcript from the show:


“Hey BUD, I have a transcript from my latest podcast episode about [Topic]. I need to create an engaging and informative article from this transcript. The article should be relatable to my audience, who are mostly beginners and curious learners. Please include the following elements:

  1. An introductory paragraph that sets the context, drawing from the tone and style of my podcast. Mention specific examples or scenarios discussed in the podcast, such as [Example from Transcript], to make it relatable.
  2. Break down the content into distinct sections, each focusing on a different practical application or key point from the transcript. Provide a brief explanatory paragraph for each section and then list practical action steps. These steps should be direct and easy to follow, encouraging the reader to apply the advice.
  3. Ensure the language is approachable and supportive, avoiding technical jargon. The goal is to inspire and educate my audience, giving them clear guidance on applying the concepts in their work.
  4. Conclude the article with a summary that ties together the main points and encourages readers to explore these ideas further in their projects.
  5. Only use the content from the transcript as inspiration for the article. I DO NOT want you to insert thoughts or examples that were not found in the transcript.

Please use a conversational tone throughout, similar to how I engage with my audience in the podcast. Do you have any questions? I want to make sure you clearly understand the instructions before proceeding.”